Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Our Real Home

Our real home is in our hearts and souls where all the learning takes place. Life is an inner journey that is reflected in the outer world. You can always know what is really going on inside you when you see what's around you ...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I love what my friend Marie Way says: "Laws are written in our hearts. There's no need to be governed." There is nothing more beautiful than that!! I would like to add that "All roads lead back to us."

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Dance In The Rain

Life is a journey with so many twists and turns, ups and downs. At times it can be so painful and frustrating.  But, it is at those times that we must remember that what seems bad or difficult is just a part of the process.  It is because of this process that we learn and grow and continue moving towards manifesting our higher selves.  Knowing this gives us a better perspective and the reassurance that  all okay and meant to be.  With this in mind. we can learn to Dance In The Rain.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Being Perfect: Who Is Making The Rules?

How many of us feel the pressure to have to be perfect? What is perfect and who's making the rules? After a lifelong journey of being a perfectionist in all aspects of my life, I finally realized that I was playing old parental tapes which has been running my life and caved into the pressures of today's society. Well, NO MORE...my decision has been made!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

What Do YOU Want?

Can you imagine what it would be like to have the life that you really want? I can. Just keep on thinking about what you want, not what you don't want..the energy of that also helps you get through the tough times.....

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

It's Getting Closer

The launch is getting closer for I Married Mr. America. I can't believe I have just about made it to the end of this long marathon of getting this book to print. Thank you Empower Press! I actually started to cry! I promise, this book WILL deliver...it's all about the heart!!!